Last month was not an easy month to endure. There were many good things that happen, but when life hits those negative things can seem to over shadow them. With 3 deaths in a matter of weeks of people who are close to me can be more than I can manage. But I have made the decision that its so much more important to look for the good. Many people do one thing they are thankful for everyday of November and I have done that as well in the past. This year I have been reminded over and over again that I need to consciously find the good. So this month I am going to do just that! For me wellness comes from my mental state. Everything starts with a thought. If I let the negative thoughts live in the front of my mind they start to take over. They over power the good things that bring me joy everyday. I don't want to live in that way. Depression is a real battle! People face it in many different degrees. I know I experience it, but I am recognizing what helps me battle the depression whe...
Balance life and health while having fun!