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12 Mile run is in the books!

Normally we do our long runs on Saturdays. We do our shorter runs on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays. We are following the Hal Higdon marathon training for beginners. It's nice because it gets your body used to running even when your legs feel tired after running the day before. It also helps step your miles up slowly, but efficiently. For me it has really given me confidence. Each week there are the 3 mile runs, but also it has a slightly longer run that is half the distance of your long run that week. If I can make it to the halfway point that week I have the confidence that I can keep going to get the second half.

When we do our long runs we normally do it on Saturdays so that my dad can be off work and ride his bike along side us with extra ice cold water! When he passes us he always asks if we need more water. But this week we have a service project for the community we will be doing so we switched to Thursday for our long run and Monday and Tuesday for our short runs. The most important thing I have found is that as long as you get out and move it is doing to benefit you.

There is no such thing as a bad run. There are hard runs, grueling runs, exhausting runs, but not bad runs. Every run you do is a good run.

Okay so like I said in the last post I have a 14 month old! He is the cutest, most loving, on the go little boy!! He likes to be where everyone is! If there are people upstairs in the house he has to be there or he will call from the bottom of the stairs (there is a gate so he can't freely climb up them) until they come down! So naturally when we leave to go running he has to go with us!

My brother who has been running for longer than I have and its easier for him, always pushes the stroller. My son LOVES it! He giggles when they run down hill, waves to people (after they are past him haha), and almost always falls asleep like this:

I mean come on! How could life get any better??? Yesterday we didn't go on a run and I thought the world would end!! Bryce was SOOOOO GRUMPY!!! But today its night and day difference! Those endorphins are amazing!! 

But man after 12 miles my legs ache.... I have had tendonitis in my knees since I was in high school. So my knees tend to act up afterwards and are inflammed. After my run I use Plexus Ease Cream to help give my legs some relief! Its awesome! I also make sure to ice my knee for 20 minutes. I also love wearing my compression socks!! I love the color blue so obviously mine are blue! 

We have a half marathon coming up in about a month and my goal is to come in around 2:17. That was my time 6 years ago and I want to try for that. 

At the end of each post I want to write a goal and then follow up! You guys are helping me stay accountable!


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