Yesterday we were having a great day until all of a sudden a tantrum came out of no where! I had absolutely no idea what caused it. Nothing I did was working. I ended up putting him in timeout but that didn't seem to be working. When I would go back in to try to calmly explain to him why I put him in timeout and try to figure out what he wanted he would just start hitting. I pinned his arms down, and so he head butted me! I couldn't handle it. Thankfully my brother came to the rescue. He was able to sit down with my son and just talk to him. He then took him downstairs while I had a moment to just calm down. Thats been something that I have been trying to work on as a mom. I am working on when he starts to have a meltdown of any kind I am working on making sure I do my best to keep my voice calm. I see that he responds better and calms down faster than if I raise my voice. My mom always says "Parenting is not the the weak of heart." I have realized that is the t...
Balance life and health while having fun!