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Showing posts from March, 2018


Yesterday we were having a great day until all of a sudden a tantrum came out of no where! I had absolutely no idea what caused it. Nothing I did was working. I ended up putting him in timeout but that didn't seem to be working. When I would go back in to try to calmly explain to him why I put him in timeout and try to figure out what he wanted he would just start hitting. I pinned his arms down, and so he head butted me! I couldn't handle it. Thankfully my brother came to the rescue. He was able to sit down with my son and just talk to him. He then took him downstairs while I had a moment to just calm down. Thats been something that I have been trying to work on as a mom. I am working on when he starts to have a meltdown of any kind I am working on making sure I do my best to keep my voice calm. I see that he responds better and calms down faster than if I raise my voice. My mom always says "Parenting is not the the weak of heart." I have realized that is the t...

18 Weeks and a 3 Mile run!

First real run while pregnant! I am not running for times I am really running to be healthy during this pregnancy. I was pretty healthy last time but I didn't really workout other than the occasional walk with my friend who was due 2 weeks before me. Which was great for me I just wish I had concentrated a little more on that. After getting back into running and really loving it, I wanted to keep it up even if I didn't races. Well I knew I would have to learn how to run with a stroller. It’s harder than you think. I tried last summer when I was totally not I shape and it was HARD!!!! So my brother pushed the stroller for me. I have built a base level for my cardio which makes it easier to add the stroller. Still not the easiest but it’s easier than last time. I read a blog post from hungry runner girl about running with a stroller. She talked about how training with a stroller makes the races easier. That made total sense to me. I mean it’s like when swimmers wear what...

Midday walk!

Today the weather is actually really nice! We decided to still bundle up my little guy and go for a walk. We didn't run because it was a  spur of the moment thing. But we kept a good pace while we were walking. Thats the thing about working out anything is better than nothing. Now obviously there are standards that get you the optimum results but if you only have time to go for a walk because you don't have time to shower before you are on your way or something that is totally okay! This is my walk workout we did today.   Its not a super fast pace but with the hills we did its better than sitting on the couch watching a movie with my son again! Not that I don't love those moments those moments melt my mommy heart! But those moments aren't the best when you don't get up and do something! I got my step goal while we were out walking! My watch measures movement to measure the steps, so while I am pushing the stroller I have to also push with one hand. Mostly i...

Yoga, Kind Strangers, and BUTTONS!

Okay so I got to try out my yoga mat today! I loved it! I loved the cushion it gave when you were sitting, or using your hands during movements like downward dog. It felt stable and it felt relaxing. Before I was using just a towel. The towel was super thin but it worked for what I needed it to. Now going to a mat that has some cushion I think its perfect for beginners as they build strength in their joints like wrist and ankles. I felt stable and that it gave my foot extra support because it was filling in the gaps from my foot to the floor. Like the arch of my foot. It wasn't like it was flat against the floor but I have been feel over where my balance was and better support when standing on one leg. Also its cute! I have a thing for the color blue so almost everything I buy is some shade of blue. My son had to make sure he was just as involved as I was! Tonight he was little bit more engaged in what I was doing. When I would do downward dog (that is his favorite pose)...

Shopping during lunch...Not good for anyone!

My mom and I are trying to eat more salads during the week instead of just at dinner. We cook extra meat during dinner so we have left overs to go with our salads. Its the best! When we get home from the store we chop every thing up and put it in separate containers so that at lunch you can just pick what toppings you want and toss it all together in a delicious salad! Well we decided to do that this week. So we needed to go to the store. I volunteered to go since my son was begging to get out of the house! I didn't really pay attention to what time it was just that he was begging to go somewhere. Well of course its lunch time. Now I had snacks in my bag for him because he is always hungry it seems when we leave the house. I left home once without a snack because I thought that we had just eaten lunch he won't be hungry....I have never made that mistake again. Well while shopping for all the good veggies I got him some cherry tomatoes because those are his favorite. He wi...

Yoga? Namaste!

Any yoga fans out there?!? Well I have thought yoga is a good thing but I haven't really given it a fair try. The best I did was last time I was pregnant I wanted something active to do that I knew wasn't strenuous. So a friend of mine, who was also pregnant, we went to yoga once a week. We were pretty far along in our pregnancies and so our sense of balance wasn't great! It was pretty comical at times when we were trying to balance! We figured out we should put our mats next to a post in the room so we could use that to help us balance! So recently my mom and I decided to give it a real shot. My sister is a huge fan of yoga and I went to a class with her a couple of times but not enough to really know the benefits. Still doing some research but so far I have really enjoyed it!  Being a mom I don't always feel like I have time during the day to workout, or I don't want to have to feel like I am bothering someone to watch my son while I workout. I loved runni...

Financial health! Is that a thing??

Financial health? What is that?? Well mostly it comes in the form of peace. Finances are something that can cause a lot of stress. For those of us who get anxious about thing super easily (I am one of those people) money can cause a lot of stress. I have never liked the idea of credit cards because knowing myself I would forget to pay it off and then that would give me way too much stress. So I never got one. But I did take out student loans. So here is really exciting news!! We have almost paid off my student loans!! We have been working on paying them off for almost a year now. I took out the loans my last year of college to make it easier on my parents who were trying to pay for college for 3 different kids. So I took them out and figured I would get a good job after I graduated and I would be able to pay them off. Well shortly before I graduated I became pregnant and knew that I wouldn't be able to work full time and afford child care. So once our son was born then I was able...

To Diet or Not to Diet??

So I planned on blogging all last week due to my new goals. But like always there are bumps in the road to try and stop those goals from happening. It was a good week but with different challenges that I wasn't expecting. So we have a 20 month old and he is hard to keep up with by himself but this week we had 5 kids ages 7, 5, 3, and 1 plus mine. So I had a responsibility that I wasn't used to and that was getting 2 kids ready for school with hair, food, backpacks, and on time for the bus. I am not a morning person so mornings are hard for me anyways. So getting up early to get kids on the bus was new. These kids are hilarious though! The oldest would decide at 4:45 am that he was ready to get dressed for the day. That would wake up the other one who wasn't ready to wake up for the day. I had to convince the oldest to lay back down until 6! So funny! This was a hair style my mom did on me when I was little and I tried to recreate it! I think I did pretty good. Its ...