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Yoga, Kind Strangers, and BUTTONS!

Okay so I got to try out my yoga mat today! I loved it! I loved the cushion it gave when you were sitting, or using your hands during movements like downward dog. It felt stable and it felt relaxing. Before I was using just a towel. The towel was super thin but it worked for what I needed it to. Now going to a mat that has some cushion I think its perfect for beginners as they build strength in their joints like wrist and ankles. I felt stable and that it gave my foot extra support because it was filling in the gaps from my foot to the floor. Like the arch of my foot. It wasn't like it was flat against the floor but I have been feel over where my balance was and better support when standing on one leg.

Also its cute! I have a thing for the color blue so almost everything I buy is some shade of blue.

My son had to make sure he was just as involved as I was! Tonight he was little bit more engaged in what I was doing. When I would do downward dog (that is his favorite pose), he would come over and do it with me. But tonight he also tried other poses! 

I did this workout after dinner time today. Most of the time I try to workout earlier in the day but today we took my grandma to the store and then I was helping my mom with crafts she needs done before she runs our church girls camp in the summer. 

The trip to the store was pretty normal until we got the the last store and went to check out only to realize that my grandma had lost her purse.... She is deaf so its hard for her to notice things like that. Well my mom and I split up. I went to retrace our steps and mom went to check the car just to make sure that she hadn't left it there. As I got to the back of the store to where we were looking, I saw an employee so I asked if anyone had seen a purse. She called the front and someone had turned it in! We were so relieved! It goes to show there are good people everywhere! So thank you to those people who do that right thing in a world that encourages you to bend the rules. 

Now the crafts I was helping my mom with! Every year for the LDS Girls Camp my mom has started a tradition of each of the girls getting a unique pin or button for each activity. Its fun for the girls to collect and they are actually fun to make just tiresome!

Here is my set up! I got over 350 buttons made in just 3 hours! My elbow is tired from pulling the lever down and making sure I did it enough to get the button to stay together! But I am glad I could help my mom out. She does a lot being the camp director and that can cause a lot of stress. Stress is something that can cause a lot of damage to your health! If we can find things that help take away that stress we need to apply those! Find the things that can cause you stress and figure out what helps!  Sometimes it taking a break, planning out how to accomplish the goal, writing goals down, or enlisting someone to help! 

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